Author Archives: Red

Long Term Investing

Have you ever heard of a “fund manager” that does not invest for the “long term”.  They encourage you to have to a long term vision and goal. They tell you that “time in the market” is more important that “timing the market”.  Until one day you call to talk to them and they tell… Read More »


If you do not leverage your resources, then you have 2 losses, the loss of opportunity and the loss of effort and time you spent to obtain these resources.

Information and Knowledge

Information is hard to get and it is becoming almost the most valuable asset.  However, information without action based on that information, is a waste or resources.  Extracting the relevant information to achieve a particular goal is perhaps the next most important thing.  One must always seek to maximize the extraction actionable amount of data… Read More »

Screen 1

I run many screens and try to find good shorts.  This screen was run in the middle of August with the following parameters:

China’s Replacement

The logical replacement of China as the “supply chain” or the world, is India.  The latter is supposed to be a democracy but recent event with Kashmir shows that the empire has no clothes. 

Conviction vs Action

Someone said that: “The Market Can Remain Irrational Longer Than You Can Remain Solvent”, and the moral of the story is that reality and logic might not always go hand in hand.  A wise person knows when to change his mind and when he changes his actions.

Car Maintenance Plan

Recently, there has been a noticeable increase in the “car maintenance” insurance plans industry and advertising.  There are lots of ad presented to the consumer as a great way to make sure that his or her car is covered if something happen, or God forbid if the “check engine” light come on.

Vision Coverage

I have no idea who was the genius that convinced America that Dental and Vision are not part of the health insurance.  Most of the people have to have a separate vision and dental plans to cover their needs.  However, it is making less and less sense to have either.

Drilling a Well

Aside form having electricity, water is probably the next thing you want to tackle on your piece of paradise.