Author Archives: Red


I was thinking for shorting DVN, based on market direction (sell off) and the fact that oil prices were pretty much stagnant despite potential war with Iran and also economic war with China and the rest of the world. It seems that the company is loosing money based on Yahoo Finance Stats.Here the biggest difference… Read More »

Category: Oil

Russia and Crude Oil

Oil pricing did not escape the complexity of the world economic system. In addition to supply and demand, there is the speculation, policies (country dependent from taxation to limitation on imports or exports), geo-political pressure, seasonality, weather and the tweets of the orange monster. The latter can move “the strongest economy in the world ever”… Read More »

Category: Oil

What happens when SHTF

Many talking heads come on TV and talk about defensive stocks and how to handle downturns.  Many suggest a move from one type of stock to another to “minimize” loss.  I always found that ridiculous in two ways, the logic of it and the allocation of the “defensive stocks”.

Who owns what in US shale?

It is hard to figure out who are the largest players in shale oil, where they invest and what they do. Some have different investment and rolls in different locations. But for the sake of making this money making idea, I will try.

Category: Oil

World oil production players

  OPEC — For example, having paid $29 billion for its foundational-stage development, Chevron now manages the Gorgon Gas Project in Australia. The site extracts liquefied natural gas (LNG) from the Greater Gorgon gas fields at the rate of 3 million barrels per day. Refs: Fracking Companies on the Verge of Prosperity

Category: Oil

Government and magic

How fast can you spend money?  Can you spend couple of thousand dollars on dinner?  Can you spend couple of hundred thousand dollars on a nice car?  Can you perhaps spend few tens of millions on a fancy yacht? 

Macchiato and Venti

You can make fancy names for the same old coffee, but till you learn that the water must come before the coffee, you have no business being in the coffee business.

Excuse Me

The morons of society have became such savages that they do not know the meaning of “excuse me”.  Have you ever noticed how people just walk in front of you, and 2 inches away from your face as it is business as normal.  You will be very lucky if you hear excuse me.


Assange has made a huge mistake and he is paying for it. He should not have gone to the Ecuadorian embassy; he should have gone to the Saudi embassy. No one would have ever found him there.