Author Archives: Red

Shale Oil

If oil prices keep on sliding or if it stays low, then the largest hit will be those who need higher prices to survive.  Shale oil, deep water driller, etc. And most of these are highly leveraged, so as the interest rate rise, then they will be also hit by debt service cost. 

Category: Oil

Deep Water Drillers

Next to shale oil, the deep drillers are probably the most impacted by oil prices. Although the deep drillers work off preset price, but investment in deep water is impacted by the projection of oil prices. 

Category: Oil

Mortgage Companies

With the rise of interest rates and the slow down in the housing market, it is just natural to take a look at the mortgage industry and in particular the mortgage companies that generate the loans. 

Firearms For Sale

At one point bartering will be the most acceptable method of conducting business. But of course it will be limited by the ability of finding assets of equal value and desirability to be traded.  Guns are probably ideal in the sense that they are small ticket items, everyone can use and extra gun in post… Read More »

Travel Stocks Shorts

As the interest rate start rising and the feds are drying up liquidity, I am thinking of those who have high debt ratio, large cap and little cash to defend the stock. In particular I am thinking in the travel, leisure sector.

The Case For Gold

Gold and Silver and the rest of the precious metal are usually viewed as a hedge against inflation and a long term alternative storage for your money, vs the fiat currencies.

The Daily Stock List

This is a current, to when I started this, list of stocks that seem promising either for a buy or a short.  

Oil Indicators – Airports

The vast majority of oil in the world is used for transportation. Airports traffic can be a good major of the health of the global economy and also oil demand. Plane fuel can only be obtained form oil as off today.

Category: Oil