National Housing Forecast.

By | February 2, 2017

According to this article,® 2017 National Housing Forecast, the 2017 housing market will be a year of slowing, yet moderate growth, set against the backdrop of a changing composition of home buyers and a post-election interest rate jump that could potentially price some first-timers out of the market.

At 0.75% interest rate the 30 year mortgage is still under 4%.  I think it has to go closer to 5% before the impact is felt in the housing market.  At the current hike rates, this seems way down the line.  On a 100k 30-year mortgage the monthly payments are $477 for 4% and $537 for 5%.  On a 250k house that is $150 a month.  That is not enough to put a halt in the demand.

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