Category Archives: Semi Daily Thought

Macchiato and Venti

You can make fancy names for the same old coffee, but till you learn that the water must come before the coffee, you have no business being in the coffee business.

Excuse Me

The morons of society have became such savages that they do not know the meaning of “excuse me”.  Have you ever noticed how people just walk in front of you, and 2 inches away from your face as it is business as normal.  You will be very lucky if you hear excuse me.


Assange has made a huge mistake and he is paying for it. He should not have gone to the Ecuadorian embassy; he should have gone to the Saudi embassy. No one would have ever found him there.


It is amazing how some imbeciles are glued to their headphones. In the gym, grocery story, while driving sometimes, on campus, etc. Yet when they come to Starbucks or public library they want to play what they are watching on their phone on speaker phones.

Signs That Your Marriage Ended

I think the vast majority of people should not have been married when they got married and to the person they were married to. Some try to tough it out and grind it till the last minute. The smart ones see the writing on the wall and call it a day.

House Financial Service Committee

One has to question the legitimacy and validity of all these theatrical hearings.  In reality all politicians can be politicians without the huge donations that they receive from corporations and particularly the financial institutions. 

I wish I thought of this

Economic history is a never-ending series of episodes based on falsehoods and lies, not truths. It represents the path to big money. The object is to recognize the trend whose premise is false, ride that trend, and step off before it is discredited.