Category Archives: Oil

The Economy of Saudi Arabia

The economy of Saudi Arabia will have a great impact on the price of oil and the trend of the prices.  Understanding that economy can shed a lot of light on oil prices.  

Category: Oil

Oil as of April 16th – 2018

Over the last few months there has been couple of shifts. The production cap by OPEC has been holding up. The crude oil exports of Saudi Arabia has been declining but its processed products exports were going up. China made the shift from Saudi oil to Russian and even Angolan oil. 

Category: Oil

Oil Prices

The oil prices have been on the run for the last 7 months. There was many factors that probably started the run and missing them cost money.  

Category: Oil

Now you see it and now you do not

Two magic words get the public drool, tax cuts and jobs. The former is used by the government and the latter used by corporations. And both are big lies. What the government gives in the right, they take in the left; they control the value of everything you have. What the corporation claim to give,… Read More »

Category: Oil