Author Archives: Red

Curing Cancer

A guy took his mother to one of the most famous and influential cancer specialists in the world.  The doctor told him that his mother has a late stage cancer and she is probably not going to make it.

It Is All Debt

I find that figuring out how things work is probably the most interesting things of life.  And every time something seems “mysterious”, it turned out that one can explain it with a bit more learning and effort.


There is no point of arguing about the religious value of Christmas vs the commercial value. I think one stop at any mall (the ones left standing) the few days before Christmas is enough to make the point. If that did not, maybe the talk about black Friday and Cyber Monday can.


As if we do not have enough acronym to worry about and a million “metric” to look at and “tell” us what is happening, here comes the REPO. 

Tools of Production

Carl Marx talked a great deal bout the importance of owning the production tool for any society, socially governed society that is.  However, as times change, the emphasis is no longer on the production tool, but rather it has to be broaden to become “wealth acquisition and redistribution mechanism”.

Housing in The USA

Where is the housing market going over the next few years.  The answer is very clearly, nowhere.  And the only reason the prices of homes are being jacked up, is due to manipulation.  Let us look at simple math and the only math that will make sense.

The Death of Retail Industry

Many blame the “online” shift for the death of the mall in America.  Although the “online” commerce is growing but let us ask a more fundamental question, how did we get here.