Author Archives: Red

The Little Kid in the Coffee Shop

He stood next to the door, with his head leaning on the fire alarm. People walked in and out as if he did not exist. The fact that he was pretty short probably did not help his social image.

The Biggest Truck in Town

She sat in Starbucks and I eavesdropped on her conversation with the other lady. The latte was the young one, 69 and talking about her husband who is 73, and how “anything could happen”. She was really trying to cash out on the properties they have before others get a cut, but that is a… Read More »

My Apologies to TSA

I always wondered how stupid it is to have a TSA agent telling people which line to go to. Isn’t it obvious that you will pick the fastest line, i.e. the one with least people.

Chase The Debt

I have shorted bunch of stocks when the market started tanking based on the metric that I developed.  The debt of these shorts was one of the inputs to my model.  Now I am revisiting the debt pure and simple.  My thesis is that the already rate increases are going to have at least lingering… Read More »


There is no shortage of examples of hypocrisy in society, but today I am talking about all the people who claim to be concerned about the environment, including me, and end up in Starbucks buying multiple drinks in plastic and paper cups that will end up in trash not in recycle bins. 

Powell Testify On The Hill

Well the FED chair Powell made his trip to the Hill yesterday and the day before to testify before this committee and that committee. And each one of these bastard politicians was trying to look good for his base like usual.

Shale Oil Ponzi

Great reports   Where are the largest shale oil fields?

Category: Oil


So you go to Starbucks and you are supposed to “blend” in the culture. You have to say Doppio, and Venti and such.

Emerging Market

The more I learn about stocks and markets, the more I become a believer that macro economics are taking over and the the major “moves” in the market are driven by them.  Also, there is a little value but a lot of valuation. The latter means that rise of the stock market does not make… Read More »