Like everything else, it seems that you have to be a car expert before you take your car to the dealership. But it is amazing the stuff you find online nowadays and also how despite the evidence provided by many consumers, some car companies are still in denial in regard to some of the issues in some of their cars.
I bought a 2013 Honda brand new from the dealer with less than 10 miles on it. Few months after I started having issues with it starting. We went through changing the starter and changing the battery. That did not fix it. Recently the problem became so frequent and annoying to the point that I wanted to go back an research it. And here is what I found.
Car does not start and there is no solution (youtube)
The Keyless Access Control Module issue (youtube)
Anti-theft key (youtube)
Battery or Starter? (yourube)
If starter, how to fix (youtube)
I will keep you posted if I found a resolution for this 6 year old problem now.