There is no point of arguing about the religious value of Christmas vs the commercial value. I think one stop at any mall (the ones left standing) the few days before Christmas is enough to make the point. If that did not, maybe the talk about black Friday and Cyber Monday can.
What is a bit more noteworthy is the attitude of people during so called “holiday season”; it brings out the “asshole” in every one it seems. And even those who claim to be devout observers of the occasion, as soon as the day passes by, it is back to normal. And in general, it is pretty interesting how the moment Santa passes over one’s house, it is over done and time to think about bringing down the tree.
Historically, holidays served as occasions to bring people together for the well being of the community. But today that is hardly happening. The observance is mostly cosmetic and is limited to going through the motions, so why bother.